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The Codependummy Podcast

As a young woman, you have been raised, reinforced, and rewarded to put the needs of others above your own (i.e., to be codependent). Now, in your 20s, you're finding yourself exhausted, exasperated, and enveloped in crap relationships. You're tapped out at 22, burnt out at 25, or having a quarter-life-crisis as you approach 30 and asking, "If I'm doing everything to make everyone else happy, why am I so miserable?" This podcast is to help you undo all that so you can stop playing small and start taking up space, ya dummy! One episode at a time, I will help you let go of your codependent ways so you can stop being such a codependummy and shine like a codependiamond! Let's get to it!

Jun 27, 2022

-What is hypnotherapy and how can it help one heal from codependency?

-With hypnosis, what are the short-term and long-term benefits?

-If we feel “addicted” to our codependent relationships, how can we interrupt our patterns to create new ones?

Thank you for tuning in! This week, I sat down with Ms. Shara Prophet,...

Jun 20, 2022

-We all know what boundaries are…but…what are boundaries?


-Where do we start with setting boundaries as codependents?


-How do we maintain boundaries when there’s pushback from others?


Thanks for tuning in! In this episode, I have a fulfilling and meaningful discussion with Ms. Kelli Younglove, a...

Jun 13, 2022

-How can therapists be codependent with their clients, staff, and colleagues?


-If a therapist is codependent, what are the short-term and long-term consequences on them and those they work with?


-Which question do therapists (and for the matter, ALL OF US) need to ask ourselves to combat codependency and instead...

Jun 6, 2022

-Are you anxious? Codependent? Or an anxious-codependent? (And how to distinguish the two)

-How can you pay attention to body signals in order to alleviate your anxious/codependent thoughts?

-Why incorporating play into your healing is paramount (and ways you can start playing more asap)?

Thanks for tuning in! This...