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The Codependummy Podcast

As a young woman, you have been raised, reinforced, and rewarded to put the needs of others above your own (i.e., to be codependent). Now, in your 20s, you're finding yourself exhausted, exasperated, and enveloped in crap relationships. You're tapped out at 22, burnt out at 25, or having a quarter-life-crisis as you approach 30 and asking, "If I'm doing everything to make everyone else happy, why am I so miserable?" This podcast is to help you undo all that so you can stop playing small and start taking up space, ya dummy! One episode at a time, I will help you let go of your codependent ways so you can stop being such a codependummy and shine like a codependiamond! Let's get to it!

Aug 28, 2023

-What is dynamic therapy and how can it treat codependency?

-How can dynamic therapy help us develop awareness of our internal world?

-What are the initial steps you can take to get clear on what your thinking, feeling, and needing?

Welcome to Episode 141! This week, I had the pleasure of interviewing Dr. Ann Krajewski...

Aug 21, 2023

-What does codependency look like with coaches, mentors, and gurus?

-What can go wrong when you rely too much on a coach?

-How can you focus on your inner work to ultimately decide what is best for you? (rather than continuing to rely on the advice of others)

Welcome to Episode 140! This week, Dr. Rima Bonario is back...

Aug 14, 2023

-What does it mean to “people-please?”

-Why do many women, in particular, engage in people-pleasing behaviors?

-What are the initial steps you can take to STOP people-pleasing?

Welcome to Episode 139! This week, we are graced with the presence of Alyse Freda-Colon for her second interview all about: PEOPLE-PLEASING....

Aug 7, 2023

-Why do overachieving codependents find it so hard to practice self-care?

-How can cooking help one combat their codependency and nourish themselves?

-What are the initial steps we can take to focus our attention on self-nourishment?

Welcome to Episode 138! This week, I sat down with Kristin Tand, counselor and cooking...